I need help


While the grieving process is a natural and necessary alteration in the entire system that allows us to adapt to the reality of the loss, there are circumstances in which it may be appropriate to assess the possibility of seeking for help with a professional support.

This decision is entirely personal, so it must respond to the motivation, commitment, and awareness of the need to receive help.

Some of the situations in which mourning people may need help would be:

Extreme dejection

Prolonged agitation

Despair (feeling that whatever happens in the future no longer makes sense)

Persistence in the feeling of decay

Physical symptoms that may threaten well-being: insomnia, weight loss, severe chest pain…

Loss of functionality in everyday life

Strong sense of guilt, anger, revenge

Suicidal ideas

Substance abuse (falling into drug use, alcohol…) to cope with pain

Addictive behaviors (gambling, social media…)

All of these responses may appear in the initial moments of grief as a normal, natural part of the process. However, it is advisable to evaluate the possibility of going to a professional when all these answers are maintained over time.

We can also consider asking for professional support if in these painful first moments we feel that the situation is overwhelming us and that our main support network is not able to respond to what we need.
